Sparks Auto Repair

Monthly Archives: May 2010

Is summer ever going to arrive?

It seems like spring won’t let go and allow summer to take hold. I know you are as anxious as I am for the weather to turn warm so we can enjoy our great outdoors. Once it does warm up you will be relying on your vehicles air conditioning system to keep you cool during our hot summer days. Now is a good time to check the operation of your a/c system. When the a/c is on, the temperature of the air coming from the vents should be noticeably cooler than the outside air temperature. You can check this if you have a thermometer handy. The air coming from the vent should be a maximum of 45 degrees. Does the air switch from dash vents to floor vents? Does there seem to be sufficient air flow coming from the vents? If you notice any problems you can call RPM Automotive to perform a thorough diagnosis of your a/c system. RPM Automotive is now offering a complete a/c system diagnosis for only $59.95 (plus refrigerant). Visit our website at ... read more